+7 495 104-30-46

Virtual reality

Virtual Reality

Play alone or in teams of up to 4 people

From 6 years old
Up to 4 players

30 minutes each

4 types of combat weapons
3D immersion

Feel like a sniper or a badass hunter

This is a completely safe attraction, because instead of cartridges the shooting is conducted by infrared beam, and sound accompaniment enhances the effect of using military weapons, and guests are fully immersed in the atmosphere of the range or in the game plot. 

 Shooters can choose from: target shooting, hunting, participation in military operations, and the opportunity to hold both team and individual competitions. The attraction is available for children from 6 years old. There are 4 types of weapons to choose from.

Package offers

What does shooting in Freezone Park develop

benefit_iconAccuracy and response
benefit_iconStrategic thinking
benefit_iconTeam game
benefit_iconStress tolerance

Gift certificates

Give amazing emotions to your family and friends! Buy a gift certificate for Freezone Park.
