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Flying in Moscow - Freezone official website


Frequently asked question

  • What are the benefits of flying in a wind tunnel?

    Flying in a wind tunnel improves your health and helps you get rid of stress and excess weight naturally. Flight activates those muscles that are inactive in normal life. In addition, the wind tunnel is the safest and most effective training device for skydivers and amateurs who want to properly prepare for future jumps. Flying in a wind tunnel is equivalent to jumping with a parachute, but without risk and much cheaper.

  • Why do newbies need to arrive at FREEZONE an hour before their flight?

    Flying in a wind tunnel improves your health and helps you get rid of stress and excess weight naturally. Flight activates those muscles that are inactive in normal life. In addition, the wind tunnel is the safest and most effective training device for skydivers and amateurs who want to properly prepare for future jumps. Flying in a wind tunnel is equivalent to jumping with a parachute, but without risk and much cheaper.

Give the flight to your family and friends!

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